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Workplace Wellbeing 

In today's fast-paced world, stress and anxiety effect us all. The Workplace Intelligence Survey found that 67% of employees experienced moderate to high stress and over 50% experience anxiety and/or depression.


Mindfulness and connection with nature offer powerful tools to combat these challenges and cultivate greater inner peace and resilience which in turn increases productivity, engagement, and employee well-being - meaning less absenteeism, presenteeism and burnout.

Group Meditation Session
In House Mindfulness

Lift spirits and lower stress in your teams through regular mindfulness sessions at work.
Using a blend of traditional meditation with modern neuroplasticity training techniques, these
30-60 minute sessions conducted during the work day will help you develop a calmer, more creative and more cohesive workplace. Available in person (North Cotswolds) or online.

Walking in Nature

Away days & Retreats

Foster a much deeper team spirit using the power of nature. Through exploring specific
science-backed mindfulness and nature-connection pathways, your team will have the
opportunity to take a true step back from the stresses and strains of life and return with a
stronger sense of collective peace, purpose and productivity.

Nature Reflecting on Crystal Glass
Therapy Session
1:1 mindfulness coaching

Accountability support and tailored sessions with options to combine mindfulness, nature connection and movement to ease your nervous system and allow your brain to truly rest, so you can focus on what matters most to you.

Ideal for executives and business owners.

Let's chat about how I can support your team.


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Tel: 07510 777676

Please note. Heather Keats Rebel Peace does not engage in rendering medical or mental health advice, nor does it hold itself as qualified to do so.

Furthermore, before using any product or service from Heather Keats, you must read and agree to the Terms & Conditions found here. Please also read the Privacy Policy here.

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